
Open Letter For Women

Yesterday, a friend shared an article with me.  An article about how Google wants more women and minorities in computer science.  How they are trying to get more diversity groups interested in Computer science through TV, and the media.  But Google couldn't be more off base. This isn't a computer science problem, though, its more heavily prevalent in CS.  This is an issue in every field and every aspect of our lives.  But if Google wants to change CS, REALLY change CS they have to look at so much more than the media.  The media isn't the main problem.  Our society, our jobs, how women are treated, that's the problem. Let me explain.  I am a 27 year old woman.   Yes, I'm a wife, and yes I have one perfect 3-year old baby girl.    I work full time, am in school full time (Getting my second degree in CS) and still manage to handle everything in my life.  None of this should matter, but unfortunately it does.  What deterred me from getting a CS degree wasn't the m